Monday, April 03, 2006

An apple a day keeps the love doctor away?

I know this is going to invite very sidey comments, but still.. had to put it up.. found it in one of the apples I have at home.


Raj said...

just managed to stumble upon your blog. Well..I'd say your reason for not keeping your blog public is pretty lame to say the least. having known you for the past 4 yrs, gotta say that you have a pretty good writin style. anyway, I'm sure that Ann Arbor is full in full of interesting happenings (and ppl). So keep us posted. About the apple, well..that's what you might call providence.

Lalbadshah said...

oye loverboy! write something new man!

Anonymous said...

hi sheik.. guess ur IPO was succesful. shall i mail this to our esteemed legend group?

Anonymous said...

An apple a day "IF THROWN THE RIGHT WAY" definitely keeps the doctor away...

I'll be visiting...