You must have gotten the email about Article 49-0 in the constitution. So did I. I immediately thought of publishing it here but then thought better of it. I know too many email chains which are factually wrong. This was too big to post without verification. However, that work was quickly done by other people and as it turns out, it was a hoax:
However, this does not mean that we cannot possibly introduce such an article into the constitution. The idea is sound and makes eminent sense. Anyone have any ideas if there is even an inkling of a movement to introduce such a measure?
Disagree that the idea is sound. A large chunk of the population doesn't vote because it doesn't believe voting makes sense. If you offer such a tool to the rest, anarchy is in order. I would anyday prefer a corrupt/inefficient government to absolute anarchy especially in the Indian context.
There is one way where it would work though: Clearly seperate the Executive from the Legislative such that the system can work without an elected government by administrative officials who would in such cases take over policy making roles too.
Hmmm.. bleak possibility of better governance appears.
Nice that you have posted update on the article which has been forwarded for quite some time. We do have the Election Commission to take over in case the voters show that they arent interested in the candidates.
But hoping to happen it for real is something which could take a long long time...
This is really wonderful site with great details.
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